The Best wines with pasta

When we talk about Italian food, it immediately gives mouth water just about thinking. Italian food, without a doubt, is one of the tastiest! Who does not like it? If combined with that good wine, it becomes simply irresistible. When it comes to pasta, we soon remember a pasta, with a wonderful flavour made with a special sauce, with delicious ingredients that combine with pasta make this dish, a wonderful experience of flavours and scents.


The typical Italian food has won the hearts of many people worldwide, and you will hardly find anyone who does not like this type of food. It is almost impossible not to find several Italian restaurants. The Italian food is impressive gastronomy, recipes that are traditions in families, which pass from generations to generations.


But do you know what the best typical Italian foods are? There is a wide range of dishes, but we all know that the star’s mass is the preferred choice of many worldwide, so the on-site restaurant is specialized in providing you with the best pasta and the best noodles in America. We are always thinking about the well-being of all our customers and the American Pasta that gives you a choice of side dish vegan, gluten-free. Without dairy, for those who want the gluten-free dough, we have Zoodle, and remembering that all our pasta are Vegan, our goal is that everyone can feel welcomed and happy to meet their needs.


The harmonization between wines and pasta


In the world there are the most varied types of pasta, to prepare several dishes, we have dry pasta and fresh pasta, here at American Pasta, The Secret of the exquisite taste of our pasta is that it is made at home, and with only semolina flour, which is an essential ingredient to offer that differentiated and wonderful flavour to our customers.


Speaking about pasta, Did you know that our restaurant offers varied types, counting on well-selected and fresh ingredients, very tasty, and very juicy sauces? You can assemble your own dish, choosing the elements you like best to complement your dough and your sauce preference.


Who is a lover of Italian food knows that the best accompanying drink to this type of food is wine. Still, for this combination to be made successfully each type of pasta most be accompanied by a right type of wine, for example, pasta served with tomato sauce and meat should be accompanied by red wine, and pasta with seafood and cheese the best option is white wine.


Let’s talk a little about the pasta that our restaurant offers and we will give tips on the best wines!




Rigatoni is a medium-sized and wide tube-shaped dough. It has a straight cut at its ends because it is a dough with a good width it is excellent to retain the sauce throughout its surface, this dough can be accompanied only with a delicious sauce such as Pomodoro and bolognese, and also because it is a great dough to fill, if the customer prefers it can complement with cheeses, vegetables and meats.


This pasta combines mainly with sauces based on tomatoes and plenty of cheese; in this case, the wines indicated are rosé, Red, Chianti style, and those of the Merlot grape, because they have an ideal acidity and necessary for red sauces. And if your rigatoni dish has enough cheese, you can opt for a wine with a more present acidity excellent for more fatty and heavy sauces, such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Beaujolais, etc.




Fettuccine is a long pasta, similar to spaghetti, only more flattened; it combines with more light sauces, such as Pomodoro and bolognese, and combines both with simple spices and more elaborate sauces! And especially with Alfredo sauce. The alfredo sauce is quite creamy based on cheeses and milk; the wine tip to accompany these sauces is white wines or the more delicate Reds.




The best-known pasta in the world, classic and practical, is a versatile pasta that combines with various sauce, Pomodoro, Bolognese, alfredo, garlic and oil and pesto. In pesto sauce, which we have not yet talked about, white wines harmonize very well with pesto since it is a sauce based on herbs and vegetables, and are great with more acidic wines, just like white wine.


Spicy Sauces


If your pasta comes accompanied by a spicy sauce, the tip is to avoid very alcoholic wines, with medium or low alcoholic dosage, avoid wines with more intense flavours, such as those stored in Oak, as this can take the taste of pepper, opt for white and sparkling wines, more fruity and sweet options that help to highlight the flavour of Harmonization between wines and meats


If your pasta comes accompanied by red meat, such as meatballs that always come accompanied by a sauce, the best choice is Italian wines, light and traditional.


If you opt for pasta with the complement of chicken accompanied by a mild sauce, opt for wines with white and slightly striking grapes, such as chardonnay.


The sausages, such as the Italian sausage, combine mainly with dry, soft and sparkling white wine, rosé wine, and light to medium-bodied red wine.


Finally, there are many possibilities of combinations of various wines with a multitude of pasta, sauces and meats. If you liked this article, visit American Pasta, and live new gastronomic experiences, we have a complete menu, where you can choose your favourite ingredients and delight yourself, with the quality guarantee that we offer in our products and ingredients, come and meet us.


Would you like to discover the best combinations of wine and pasta? Read our text to know how, and visit our restaurant to taste the best pasta!