Pasta Party

Bringing friends and family together is something everyone enjoys! Especially now, after times in social isolation, especially now because of the coronavirus epidemic, we had to spend a lot of time away from friends and even family to maintain our safety and theirs.


Gathering those we love is always very special and pleasant, even more so when the longing is powerful.


Despite these occasions’ joy, planning for these social gatherings can be a bit exhausting for the organizer. So in this article, we will give you a golden suggestion to gather your friends and provide them with delicious and at the same time convenient food to prepare.


In recent times, pasta parties have been a sensation among everyone, because who does not like a good pasta, well prepared, watered with a wonderful sauce to make the dish juicy and tasty? It will hardly have those who do not like it because a well-prepared dough can please children and the elderly.


The Pasta Party allows you to play with the decoration of the environment without spending a lot if you choose to do it in your own home.


You can play with the colours of the flag of Italy since the masses resemble this region of the world, even if there is evidence that the first mass was created by Orientals and then arrived in Italy. But it was in Italy that the pasta gained its many forms, types, and combinations with sauces, which spread worldwide, being a success in all cultures of the planet.


The practice of a pasta party and that you will only need to prepare the pasta and sauces.


Depending on the number of guests for your party, you can choose from 3 to 4 types of pasta, with different formats and prepare 3 to 4 types of sauces that match all the kind of pasta you have ready since the combination and pasta and sauces that your guests will have will be more significant in this case.


You also have the option to choose between fresh or dry pasta. If you are traditional and like to put your hand in the dough, you can choose to prepare your homemade dough for your party. If this is your choice, try to make the pasta a day in advance so as not to get too rushed on the day of the party. Pasta such as spaghetti, tagliatelle, gnocchi, and fettuccine are usually the most practical to prepare and combine with various sauces.


If you are not very fond of getting dirty in the kitchen but still like to take risks on some things, you can opt for dry pasta. Dried pasta, if well prepared according to the manufacturer’s guidance, can be delicious as well. You can dare more in the formats of dry pasta, choosing even a fun pasta like farfalle and fusilli that are children’s favourites. But also include some long pasta like spaghetti and tagliatelle, as this will add more sophistication to your menu.


In addition to fresh and dried pasta, you can opt for stuffed pasta. If you want something practical in this regard, choose lasagna, since you can assemble it the day before the party. If you need to take it to the oven and do not even need to prepare sauce separately, lasagna is already a complete option.


With various pasta options, your guests are sure to want to try more than one combination, so opt for light sauces.


Caprice in the seasoning of the sauces and opt for the simplest ones, such as the traditional tomato, Bolognese, bechamel and tomato sauce.


In addition to the simple, you can create your sauce recipe to surprise the guests. If you want to try to do this, try to harmonize the ingredients without mixing too much in the pan, and go tasting gradually as you add each ingredient, trying to feel the flavours present and detect the flavours that are missing there.


How much dough and sauce to prepare


Perhaps the most significant doubt for the hosts of a party is the amount of food they need to prepare to not lack and not about a lot of food. Why can we say that this is probably the biggest concern? Well, especially at a party called a pasta party, the guests already imagine that the party’s main attraction will be precisely the food. In turn, the host cares significantly about the amount of food so that his guests who arrive at the party with great expectation and the same measure of hunger, do not end up disappointed if the food ends before the time, which would be beyond disappointment for the guests, shame for the host of the party.


In addition to not missing food, the party organizer also does not expect that about too much, as this would even be a waste of resources. So, what to do to know precisely the amount of pasta and sauces you should prepare for your party?


There is an estimate of the amount that should be prepared, based on what each person eats, and some eat more and others eat less, making the calculation equal for all; there will be an equalization in this sense.


Since you are organizing a pasta party, and will serve only pasta, then a larger pasta per person is required since there will be no other side dishes besides pasta and sauce.


Then for each guest, you will calculate 150 grams of dough if it is dried. And 300 grams if the dough is fresh or stuffed.


Already sauce, you will prepare 500g of sauce for each kilogram of dough.


Even with all these tips, maybe you are not very familiar with the kitchen, or even if you are very good at cooking, perhaps you think that a party has to be made the most of and cooking will take away from you this opportunity.


For both options or any other idea that you have, it is super valid to count on a restaurant that ultimately makes your party pasta. In this way, you will enjoy an extraordinary gastronomic experience and still enjoy the company of those you love.


Now that you know how this party works, you must choose the best option for you, come visit our restaurant and make your pasta party here at the American Pasta!