Meet the pasta: Rigatoni

Who does not appreciate a delicious pasta, is not it? If done well with a beautiful sauce and al dente conquers and warms the heart of anyone who tastes. After all, there is nothing better than eating well-prepared and lovingly made pasta. 

And no matter what the time of day, it can be for lunch, dinner or both, a portion of pasta is always welcome, because, in addition to being a source of energy because they are carbohydrates, a good dish of pasta, accompanied by an excellent wine is all good.


There are various types of pasta and various types of sauces and combinations for each of them: long pasta, thin pasta, short pasta, thick pasta, lasagna pasta, stuffed pasta, pasta for soups, a real infinity, etc equally tasty and desired by people all over the world. 

But today we will meet the pasta: Rigatoni, which is a short dough consisting of thick and fast cylinders (they look like small pieces of pipes) with a wide groove so that the sauce enters it. 


This pasta combines more with thicker sauces and containing pieces, it can be a sauce with vegetables, red meat, white meat, seafood, cheeses and whatever else your imagination and your taste buds desire, after all, Rigatoni offers a wide variety of dishes that you can make, the only thing is that it must be a thick sauce since it enters the central opening of the pasta, which makes it absorb much more flavor. 


You can do it with a sauce that is very thick, bechamel sauce, alfredo sauce, pesto sauce, you can even make the Rigatoni gratin in the oven that also goes very well, even more, if you hit a sauce with many pieces and it is very thick.


Rigatoni Alla Pajata is a typical Roman dish, well known and very simple to prepare. It consists of Rigatoni cooked al dente and then mixed with a sauce made with tomato puree, sauce, onion, white wine, olive oil, salt and of course, the Pajata (in romanesco) or pagliata (Italian), which is nothing more than the small intestine of the calf or the Ox. 


But of course, not everyone is very fan of eating intestine or other internal organs of animals and that is exactly why I will give you tips of different types of sauces that Rigatoni pasta combines since as I said, This is a very versatile pasta and combines with a wide variety of spices.


For example, suppose you are a vegetarian or looking for something healthier. In that case, a good option is to make a Rigatoni with zucchini and Funghi sauce, cook the pasta until you leave it al dente and then add to the sauce prepared with thinly sliced zucchini, Funghi, olive oil, salt, garlic, pepper and of course, a good grated Parmesan cheese on top to finish. 


What would you think if I said You could also make a stuffed Rigatoni? Believe me, although it is a short pasta and not classified as a pasta to be made stuffed, if your heart desires you can make Rigatoni stuffed. 

For this, it is enough to prepare a filling to your taste, such as ricotta filling with spinach, for example, cook the pasta until it is almost al dente, remove it from cooking, fill it with the aid of a small spoon, put on a Pyrex or baking sheet vertically or horizontally, cover with white sauce (or to the sauce if you prefer), a little grated Parmesan, take to the oven and ready. 


Of course, this feeling that I cited was just an example, you can use your imagination and fill the Rigatoni with what you like the most and that you want the most, as long as it is a filling that stays inside the pasta so that it does not get “out” when you take it to the oven. 


Don’t you like stuffed dough? All right, we can go back to the traditional way of preparing Rigatoni and make a beautiful and thick Bolognese sauce with many pieces of ground beef or pork, after all, who does not love to eat a Bolognese pasta?


Don’t like red meat? All right also, a Rigatoni prepared with alfredo sauce and grilled chicken pieces also look great and please any and every palate, besides being a great option to vary a little in the type of sauce. 

A creamy vodka sauce with prawns also looks great and can also be a great variation for those who are not too fans of red meats.


Do you see how many options Rigatoni brings to your table? Let creativity and imagination run wild and do what pleases your taste buds the most.


You can also meet and enjoy these delicious varieties at American Pasta.